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Dienstag, 16. August 2011

Literaturliste des CHIP Projektes

CHIP Publications

Wang, Y., Wang, S., Stash, N., Aroyo, L. and Schreiber, G., Enhancing content-based recommendation with the task model of classification, In Proc. International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Management by the Masses (EKAW), Page 431-440, October, 2010.

Hage, W.R. van, Stash, N., Wang, Y. and Aroyo, L.M., Finding your way through the Rijksmuseum with an adaptive mobile museum guide, In Proc. the 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Page 46-59, June, 2010.


Wang, Y., Stash, N., Aroyo, L., Hollink, L. and Schreiber, G., Using Semantic Relations for Content-based Recommender Systems in Cultural Heritage, Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP) at International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), October, 2009.

Wang, Y., Stash, N., Aroyo, L., Hollink, L. and Schreiber, G., Semantic Relations for Contentbased Recommendations, In Proc. International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-cap), Page 209-210, September, 2009.

Wang, Y., Aroyo, L., Stash, N., Sambeek, R., Schuurmans Y., Schreiber, G. and Gorgels, P., Cultivating Personalized Museum Tours Online and On-Site, Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Vol. 34, No. 2, Pages 141-156, June, 2009.

Roes, I., Stash, N., Wang, Y. and Aroyo, L., A Personalized Walk through the Museum: The CHIP Interactive Tour Guide, In Proc. ACM CHI-Student Research Competition, Page 3317-3322, April, 2009.


Wang, Y., Stash, N., Aroyo, L., Gorgels, P., Rutledge, L. and Schreiber, G., Recommendations Based on Semantically-enriched Museum Collections, Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 43 - 50, November, 2008.

Henriette Cramer, Vanessa Evers, Satyan Ramlal, Maarten van Someren, Lloyd Rutledge, Natalia Stash, Lora Aroyo and Bob Wielinga, The effects of transparency on trust in and acceptance of a content-based art recommender, Journal of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), Volume 18, Number 5, August 2008.

Stash, N., et al, Semantics-driven Recommendations in Cross-Media Museum Applications, In Proc. the PATCH Workshop on Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (Ah'08), Germany, 2008
Wang Y., Cena, F., Carmagnola, F., Cortassa, O., Gena, C., Stash, N., Aroyo, L., RSS-based Interoperability for User Adaptive Systems, In Proc. Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (Ah'08), Germany, 2008.

Rutledge, L., Stash, N., Wang Y., Aroyo, L., Accuracy in Rating and Recommending Item Features, In Proc. Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (Ah'08), Germany, 2008
Wang, Y., Sambeek, Ro, Schuurmans, Y., Aroyo, L., Stash, N., Rutledge, L. and Gorgels, P., Be Your Own Curator with the CHIP Tour Wizard, In Proc. Museum and the Web (MW'08), Montreal, Canada, April, 2008.


Aroyo, L., Stash, N., Wang, Y., Gorgels, P. and Rutledge, L., CHIP Demonstrator: Semantics-driven Recommendations and Museum Tour Generation, In Proc. International Semantic Web Conference, Korea, 2007.

Wang, Y., Aroyo, L., Stash, N., and Rutledge, L., Interactive User Modeling for Personalized Access to Museum Collections: The Rijksmuseum Case Study. In Proc. 11th User Modeling Conference, Greece, 2007.

Aroyo, L., Wang, Y., Brussee, R., Gorgels, P., Rutledge, L., Stash, N. Personalized Museum Experience: The Rijksmuseum Use Case, In Proc. Museums and the Web, San Francisco, USA, 2007.

Wang, Y., User-Centered Design for Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage, In Proc. 11th International Conference on User Modeling (UM'07) Doctor Consortium Session, Greece, 2007.

Rutledge, L., Aroyo, L., Brussee, R., Stash, N., Wang, Y., Cramer, H., Evers, V. and Ramlal, S. Recommendation with Semantics for Cultural Heritage, In Proc. the PATCH Workshop on 11th User Modeling Conference, Greece, 2007.

Cramer, H., Evers, V., van Someren, M., Wielinga, B., Besselink, S., Rutledge, L., Stash, N. and Aroyo, L., User Interaction with User-Adaptive Information Filters, In Proc. Human-Computer Interaction Conference, China, 2007.


Carmagnola, F., Cena, F., Cortassa, O., Gena, C., Wang, Y., Stash, N., Aroyo, L., Tag Interoperability in Cultural Web-based Applications, In Proc. International Conference of Hypertext and Hypermedia, USA, 2008.

Rutledge, L., Aroyo, L., and Stash, N., Interactive User Profiling in Semantically Annotated Museum Collections, In Proc. the 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC'06), Athens, USA, 2006.

Rutledge, L., Aroyo, L., and Stash, N., Determining user interests about museum collections. In Proc. the 15th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW'06) Edinburgh, Scotland, 2006.

Test Yourself: What's Your Taste in Art? - From quick user ratings to recommended topics for further study. At ICT-Kenniscongres'06, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2006.

Rutledge, L., Aroyo, L., Stash, N., Gorgels, P., Veenstra, M. and Brussee, R., Recommending Topics from Rated Objects In Proc. of the ISWC'05 Workshop on End User Semantic Web Interaction, Galway, Ireland, 2005.

Personalized Presentation and Navigation of Personalized Presentation and Navigation of Cultural Heritage Content, At IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME'05), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005.

The CHIP (Cultural Heritage Information Presentation) Project

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