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Montag, 1. März 2010

LILI - Learning Information Library

"Your innovative access to learning resources for education

Lili supports the sharing of digital resources in the Teaching Education Community. Lili is part of the EU co-funded project Share.TEC project which aims to create a digital environment that fosters access, retrieval and reuse of resources for Teacher Education across Europe.

The intended users of the system are teacher educators, teachers engaged in self-guided learning and flexible learning as well as developers and publishers of digital resources for TE.


  • Lili creates possibilities for users to share their knowledge and digital resources and contributes to a comprehensive database collection of teacher education resources
  • Lili will contribute to the Share.TEC project towards an extendible federated aggregation of resources, providing access both to the partner's own content and to other TE repositories.
  • Users of the system will be able to search and retrieve resources which have been produced and made available by other users.


  • User involvement is an essential feature of Lili and Share.TEC. The project idea is to establish a network of user communities that will continue beyond project completion, thus attaining sustainability.
  • The vision is that digital resources are driving forces in educational innovation processes which can help build bridges among the different cultures of the member states." 

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