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Freitag, 24. Juli 2009

Was können Museen von Twitter’s Popularität lernen?

Auf dem Weblog MUSEUM BLOGGING habe ich einen Blogeintrag entdeckt, der in 10 Punkten beschreibt, was Museen von Twitter lernen können. Das sind:

1. People like information in small chunks.
2. People like the challenge of communicating in brief.
3. People like to have a information stream delivered directly to them.
4. People like to choose what is in this information stream.
5. People appreciate ideas and humor.
6. People like relying on their perceived peers as resources.
7. People like to serve as resources to others–and not just to their peers.
8. People like to eavesdrop.
9. Conversations carry over easily into other media.
10. People want their information delivered in the fashion they choose–and many like it piping hot.

Hier geht es zu den 10 lessons museums can learn from Twitter.

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